Your Home. Australia's guide to sustainable homes

A comprehensive guide to environmentally sustainable homes
##### Your Home is Australia's most comprehensive guide to environmentally sustainable homes. Your Home continues a long-standing effort by the Australian Government, in partnership with the building and design industry, to give comprehensive, expert and independent advice to everyone interested in building homes for a sustainable future.
As a resource for people aiming to build, buy or renovate a sustainable home, Your Home has proven its value many times over. As energy and water costs increase, along with community awareness of climate change and the need to protect our environment, Your Home has become even more relevant.
Your Home was originally published as a technical manual in 2001 in parallel with the Your Home website. It was the first Australian publication of information on sustainable building practices aimed at ordinary householders as well as building professionals.
The intent has always been to keep Your Home up to date, to match significant changes in the building industry. For example, energy efficiency standards were added to the Building Code of Australia in 2003 and have been progressively increased over time; water efficiency requirements have been introduced in a number of jurisdictions.
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