Love your Leftovers tips for less waste this Christmas

Love your Leftovers tips to help you not waste anything this Christmas with Kim McCosker, Roz White and Martin Duncan
#### Love your Leftovers Veggies = Frittata
Bundle those leftover roasted veggies into a frittata by adding some eggs and cream. Use up all those leftover herbs and add a couple of tasty items such as capers or anchovies, olive oil and lemon juice to make a sparkling salsa verde to add zing to your frittata. Top tip: put your salad dressing in a jar not on the salad so the salad can be saved for another day.
Love your Leftovers - Cheeses
Cheese is too valuable to waste so watch how Kim and Roz create a platter that uses beautiful local cheeses paired with locally produced crackers and seasonal fruits. Kim says we should consider how much cheese is needed as pre-dinner snacks as opposed to a cheese plate for dessert as a way of reducing waste and not over-eating.
Love Your Leftovers - Fruit Cake Fabulous
Martin shows us how thick slices of Christmas cake can be gently fried in butter till the fruits caramelise and crisp, served with ice-cream for dessert. While Kim walks us through turning cake into mini Christmas puddings topped with melted white chocolate.
Love Your Leftovers - Cold Cuts
Kim and Roz show us how to turn our left-over cold meats in delicious kebabs to ensure no food is wasted this Christmas. Dressed with a gorgeous honey and seedy mustard and cook on a hotplate, your kids will demolish these in minutes.
Love Your Leftovers - Pizza Platter
Some great food-safety tips from Martin and we can all enjoy our leftover ham, prawns, veggies and fruit as Martin and Kim turn leftovers into pizza in this episode of Love your Leftovers.