Spring into scavenge

Keen to connect with your community, clean-up the area and listen to some funky live tunes?
Well, Spring into Scavenge is coming to town! This is a waste education event where the litter you collect becomes a currency to purchase pre-loved clothes, books and more that have been donated by your local community.
Yep, trash becomes 'ca$h' because waste is a valuable resource not something that can just be thrown away!
Due to Covid-19 we have had to implement some tricky but important parameters to ensure your safety.
- Please register via the link above to confirm your spot. If you're attending with children, friends or partners, please ensure you register them as well. Tickets are limited and ONLY ticket holders can participate on the day.
- You will select which hour time slot you will attend in. You are required to attend the Scavenge during that specific hour. If there are no more tickets available in that time slot, unfortunately you'll have to choose another time to attend that day. This is very important to monitor the number of people in the place.
- The exact location will be disclosed upon registration in the email receipt. Please do not disclose to people who have not registered for the Scavenge.
- You will need to BYO bags, gloves and masks to participate in the clean- up.
- You will need to present your Eventbrite barcode and ticket to attend the event.
COVID-19 Information:
- Wear gloves and masks at all times whilst attending the Spring into Scavenge event .
- Please stay home if you have any flu-like symptoms or if you have been in contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms or anyone who has tested positive to Covid-19 in the past 14 days.
- Please download the COVIDSafe app before attending.
- Hand sanitiser will be provided on site Please ensure you keep a safe distance of 1.5m between people at all times.
We're monitoring updates from the government and will keep you informed of any changes to the event. For more details on how we are ensuring our events are COVID-19 safe visit here: https://www.seasidescavenge.org/covid19-safety-plan
See you there Scavengers!